
2020.10.19 | 浏览:5698

——CorionX 简介 ——

CorionX作为实用型代币代表了稳定币,央行数字货币,开放式金融,虚拟货币和去中心化金融解决方案的运用和传播。将它们介绍给全世界并获得社区的合作 。CorionX创建了一个稳定币平台,并领导了全球稳定币普及和教育使金钱朝着进化的方向发展,成功实现了范式转变,并使用稳定加密货币来支付数字和可编程货币。CorionX是稳定币和加密基础设施的“动力”。CorionX为用户提供了稳定币和DeFi加密货币的使用和交易优势。获取,支持者,质押和使用!

下午好,今天我们ChainMeditate非常荣幸邀请到了CorionX的创始人兼CEO Miklos Denkler, 以及中国区代表Sharp Ye,为大家讲解有关CorionX最关心的问题。本次AMA,将由我担任主持并进行提问,北北负责翻译。

Denkler:Hello, everyone!  We are glad to meet here.

Sharp Ye :大家好,很高兴能在这里交流。


Can you introduce yourself to our community ?


Denkler:I am an innovations-hunter who is enthusiastically looking for new ideas and solutions specifically in the crypto and stablecoin fields.


Denkler :I believe everybody can be a winner of the current digital transformation, merely as a citizen of this globe, or as an active user.


Denkler:Based on the knowledge gathered from my three degrees in economics, my 23+ year experience in banking, insurance and investment industry, I envision that the next digital breakthrough is round the corner in the financial sector.


Denkler :I heard about Bitcoin for the first time in 2011 as a banker, but haven’t got on it, because mining was complicated for a financial guy. Then in 2015 when I incubated and helped startups to get funding and go to Silicon Valley, I met a project who did a Bitcoin ATM business. They educated me about Bitcoin and crypto, and I fell in love with the industry. I found my passion in the Fintech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency world, and have left the banking industry; and I have been working since 2015 on revitalizing the future of finance. I wrote the Insider Investor’s handbook about technology startup investment.


Denkler :My mission is to help people to become a winner of the biggest wealth redistribution of history where the money becomes digital and programmable with cryptocurrencies. Then people can become more independent from the existing money system and become proactive for the future, based on the development of what is happening on this planet now, that cryptocurrencies become a new form of money and banking shifts to open finance on the blockchain.


Denkler :With this mission we founded Corion Foundation in 2016 with the aim of helping the development and spread of stablecoins and reliable cryptocurrencies in the world. Our aim is to encourage world-wide adoption of stablecoins, DeFi, CBDCs and to help people to gain access to swift and a safe, cheap OpenFinance.

译文:以此使命,我们于2016年成立了Corion Foundation,旨在帮助稳定币和可靠的加密货币在世界范围内发展和传播。我们的目标是鼓励在全球范围内采用稳定币,DeFi,CBDC,并帮助人们获得快速,安全,廉价的OpenFinance。

Denkler :Corion Foundation is here to create a common platform for such projects, as their mainstream adoption is our main target. We are determined to make this new digital and programmable money usage available for most e-wallets and finance, hence making them accessible for more and more regions.


Denkler :The foundation vivificated the #MoneyInTheRightDirection Movement which is powered by CorionX.


Denkler :I have been invited to several crypto and fintech companies to be an advisor and strategic consultant. I am a well-known crypto expert, speaker on blockchain & crypto events.


Denkler :We empower businesses through the Corion Foundation to join the future of money and enable them to serve their customers better.


Sharp Ye:我是一名区块链从业者,早期在交易所从事上币等工作,从18年底开始,进入社区和媒体板块,专门帮助一些海外项目在国内推广自身品牌,并建立相关社区。我们的品牌是coinfuture—区块未来。

Sharp Ye: 我非常荣幸能担任CorionX项目在中国区的代表,积极地为项目拓展在中国的社区,并提升在中国的人气。 

Sharp Ye:要加入我们的微信社区,请联系:Emmanuel-111,加入我们的电报https://****/corionx

We have been invited to several crypto and blockchain  conferences, let's share some memories from events and friends. Loving the Chinese crypto spirit (I will share some photos here)


Can you briefly tell us what is CorionX ?


Miklos Denkler:  Corion Foundation was founded in 2016 with the aim of helping the development and spread of stablecoins and reliable cryptocurrencies in the world. 

译文:Corion Foundation成立于2016年,旨在帮助稳定币和可靠的加密货币在世界范围内发展和传播。

Miklos Denkler: In 2018 and 2019 we realized that our aim is to encourage world-wide adoption of stablecoins, DeFi, CBDCs and to help people to gain access to swift and a safe, cheap OpenFinance.


Miklos Denkler: What is CorionX ?

Miklos Denkler: CorionX as a utility token stands for the adoption, usage and spreading of stablecoins, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Crypto and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) solutions in a daily life to as a digital programmable money. CorionX provides benefits in the usage of stablecoins and DeFi cryptos to its users, helps people to recognize a much cheaper, safer and globally available financial solution. 



Miklos Denkler: Introducing them to the world and supports the collaboration of the community. CorionX creates the one platform for education and leads the #MoneyInTheRightDirection Movement to succeed in the paradigm shift and using crypto as a digital and programmable money. 


Miklos Denkler:  CorionX will provide the next generation of mobile payments:  CorionX will launch a mobile Wallet (as white label software) that will provide scalable interoperability solution. This will power cheap, fast, and highly scalable transactions within the community using CorionX, stablecoins and other ERC 20 tokens. Integration of crypto saving, DeFi and partners services in the wallet to extend CorionX utilities.

译文: CorionX将提供下一代移动支付:CorionX将推出移动钱包(作为白标软件),它将提供可扩展的互操作性解决方案。这将使用CorionX,稳定币和其他ERC 20令牌推动社区内低手续费,快速和高度可扩展的交易。在钱包中集成了加密储蓄,DeFi和合作伙伴服务,以扩展CorionX实用功能。

Miklos Denkler:  Staking without lockup: Holders of the CorionX utility token earn 2.5% quarterly staking rewards without needing to lock up their assets. This is paid on the average CorionX balance held in the user's ETH wallet, leaving them free to transact and benefit from the token's utility without missing out on rewards.


Miklos Denkler:  Increase rewards with lockup: Though token holders can earn a guaranteed 10.38% APR without staking locking up their assets, CorionX holders can opt for a lock-up period of 3, 6, or 12 months to boost their APR by up to 15-20%.

译文:通过锁定来增加奖励:尽管令牌持有者可以在不质押锁定其资产的情况下获得保证的10.38%的年利率,但CorionX持有者可以选择3、6或12个月的锁定期将其年利率提高多达15-20 %。

Miklos Denkler:  Earning Yields in CeFi and DeFi: CorionX is looking to integrate Centralized Finance and Decentralized Finance solutions to provide easy to use access to mainstream users to earn yields in crypto savings and stablecoin lending.


Sharp Ye:我们将继续努力建立合作伙伴关系,并解决白标服务(加密储蓄和借贷,钱包,商人),以使CorionX用户社区能够在更有利的条件下使用这些基础架构。我们最近自豪地宣布了几个新的合作伙伴关系。

Sharp Ye:团队和社区招募商接受稳定币,他们将能够在CorionX中讨论现金返还促销。

Sharp Ye:接受稳定币的服务提供商和商人将被激励使用CorionX进行促销和现金返还,以鼓励稳定币的支付和在消费者中的使用。

Sharp Ye:我们创建了带有效用令牌CorionX的#MoneyInTheRightDirection运动,以教育和介绍人们如何成为货币发展的受益者。

Sharp Ye:我们对在不同的whitelabel和合作伙伴解决方案中具有实用密码使用习惯的人进行教育,在这些解决方案中,CorionX持有者可以获得较低的费用和特殊利益。我们还通过社交媒体和影响者教育如何利用这种范式转变。参加运动的人将受过良好的教育,并能够利用未来的积极机会。

Sharp Ye:CorionX的主要重点是:教育人们更好地了解稳定币,CBDC,DeFi和可编程加密货币,并展示它们如何在我们的日常金融生活中受益,以及稳定币和加密世界如何在全球发展。固定金额的CorionX实用程序令牌旨在奖励#MoneyInTheRightDirection和Stablecoin Movement的贡献者,并激活商人和用户参与其中。

Sharp Ye:已开始向早期支持者和社区成员分发令牌,现在我们在ProBit Exchange上启动IEO。


Please introduce how CorionX is extending its use cases through partnerships. Milestones and upcoming plans? 

译文:请介绍CorionX如何通过伙伴关系扩展其用例, 里程碑和即将推出的计划?

Sharp Ye:关于里程碑和即将到来的计划。在过去的几个月中,我们建立了数个合作伙伴关系,主要致力于为CorionX提供更广泛的可用性

Sharp Ye:XcelPay钱包集成:CorionX令牌将很快集成到手机充值中,并在XcelPay钱包中购买Giftcard,CorionX用户将可以访问全球900个电信运营商和数百个主要Giftcard库存。

Miklos Denkler:We partnered with Syscoin as a decentralized cross-chain interoperability solution for CorionX (CORX) and other Stablecoins on Ethereum, to provide cheaper and faster transactions enabled by Syscoin’s unique Z-DAG Protocol, and robust security offered by Syscoin’s blockchain which bitcoin-core-compliant and merge-mined. Our combined focus will include specific stablecoins, DeFi, and helping the unbanked and over-banked. Together we will drive wider adoption of blockchain technology and scalability interoperability of ERC20 tokens. 

译文:我们与Syscoin合作,作为针对CorionX(CORX)和以太坊上其他Stablecoins的分布式跨链互操作性解决方案,以通过Syscoin独特的Z-DAG协议实现更便宜,更快的交易,以及Syscoin的区块链提供的强大安全性 兼容性。我们的合并重点将包括特定的稳定币,DeFi,以及帮助未开户和过度开户的人。我们将共同推动更广泛地采用区块链技术和ERC20代币的可扩展性互操作性。 

Sharp Ye:我们的目标用户是目前不了解这些解决方案和资产的每日平均人数和业务。我们的目标是找到最佳的教育方式,并确保他们能够使用这些资产/解决方案。稳定币的使用是新的非加密人员会发现的第一个用例之一,然后是加密储蓄和DeFi。

Sharp Ye:与传统企业及其教育的伙伴关系也是支持大规模采用的关键因素。为了提供高质量的服务,我们正在建立合作伙伴关系和白标解决方案,因为它们在应用程序开发方面很专业,我们可以选择最易于使用的平台,并增加CorionX的优势。

Miklos Denkler:We are continuously searching for partnerships with those reliable providers, who represent the same mission, vision and goals like us. Our community is rapidly growing and we are inviting new members, who want to discover crypto asset real world use cases.


Miklos Denkler:With white label solutions and  partnership we leverage benefits not just to users, but also introducing partners to each other  to provide better services with technology integration. We imagine CorionX as a platform for education and practical usage of cryptocurrencies and stablecoins by mainstream people.



Why is the CorionX project only focused on stablecoins? Why are other currencies not included? Doesn’t this have limitations? Can you explain this in detail?


Sharp Ye:我们不仅关注稳定币。我们还将重点放在可靠的加密资产,DeFi项目和贷款提供商上。


Right now issuing a token is a rather simple process. However, building the system & ecosystem is the most difficult part. My question is, How will the demand of CORX will increase & how will CORX use within the ecosystem?


Sharp Ye:好问题。CORX具有许多功能。只是一些简单的例子:

Sharp Ye:CorionX代币持有者有权在平均余额后按季度从忠诚度抵押计划中获得2.5%的奖励。筹码提供者,合作伙伴交易所将被允许提供额外的特殊筹码奖励。

Sharp Ye:我们将继续努力建立合作伙伴关系,并解决白标服务(加密储蓄和借贷,钱包,商人),以使CorionX用户社区能够在更有利的条件下使用这些基础架构。我们最近自豪地宣布了几个新的合作伙伴关系。

Sharp Ye:接受稳定币的服务提供商和商人将被激励使用CorionX进行促销和现金返还,以鼓励稳定币的支付和在消费者中的使用。


Why is the CorionX project only focused on stablecoins? Why are other currencies not included? Doesn’t this have limitations? Can you explain this in detail?


Miklos Denkler:  Thank you for this question. We focused on stablecoins at the beginning, because we see that crypto can go mainstream through stablecoins, because “the average Joe” need digital money on blockchain with a price stability of Fiat money. We also support stablecoin related usecases like saving, lending, DeFi and CBDC usage. Big enterprises like Visa, PayPal, Facebook also working on stablecoins, because it can provide a transition from the traditional fiat system to a blockchain based digital money usage. We do support other reliable crypto project that aims mainstream adoption.



About the competition. who is CorionX’s competition? How does this project highlight your strengths?


Sharp Ye:竞争不是问题。它可以加强积极成果。我无法向您强调特定的CorionX竞争对手。我们的优势是我们对主要行业的热情,经验,开放,透明和愿意。


What is the adoption strategy for CoironX? There are so many blockchain platforms already and it is getting more competitive each day. How will CoironX successfully compete for adoption?


Miklos Denkler: Great question. We saw so many other blockchain platforms, kind of Ethereum killers, but Ethereum has significant userbase and built applications and protocols on it.


Miklos Denkler: But we suffer from high GAS fee, and sending a $1 ERC20 token costs more than $5 ETH. I think we will see more interoperability, where with some solutions you can bridge transactions through different blockchains back and forth.


Miklos Denkler: These new solutions provides scalability and microtransactions, so will solve the crypto micropayments problems. CorionX is an ERC 20 built on Ethereum, but we are looking for partners that we coordinate to adopt each other bridges and improve each other chains and bandwidth.

译文:这些新的解决方案提供了可伸缩性和微交易,因此将解决加密微支付问题。CorionX是建立在以太坊上的ERC 20,但我们正在寻找合作伙伴以协调彼此之间的桥梁,并改善彼此的链和带宽。

Miklos Denkler: Syscoin did a great job for Binance USD to bridge and solve the high transaction fee, so we collaborated with interoperability bridge provider Syscoin to help mass adoption. With this most off the platforms getting more use ability if users can transact between them. Also I am sure we will see more DeFi on other chains.

译文:Syscoin为Binance USD桥接和解决高额交易费用做出了出色的贡献,因此我们与互操作性桥接提供商Syscoin合作,以帮助大规模采用。如果用户可以在平台之间进行交易,那么有了这些功能,平台将获得更多的使用能力。另外,我确信我们会在其他链上看到更多的DeFi。


CorionX’s aim is to reach to global  Users around the world, How are you aiming to attract global user?


Sharp Ye:我们希望在全球范围内与用户和社区成员联系。我们主要关注韩国,但我们正在全球范围内寻找可能的社区成员和用户。我们的社交媒体帐户非常活跃,我们正在使用不同的其他渠道和可能性,例如事件,AMA等。我们相信可以找到相信这一使命的人。


How do you see Defi potential for CorionX right now!?

What role do you think CorionX will takes to makes defi better in global usage!?



Miklos Denkler: I saw several DeFi related questions. Yeah in the professional crypto community DeFi is thriving, but the average crypto users don’t understand it and can not manage the risk. We will see more institutions, financial companies coming into crypto because of DeFi and the innovative derivative products. These institutions will develop simple services to attract investments from their clients and they will leverage it in DeFi. For mainstream adoption DeFi and even the centralized crypto saving & lending should be more simpler and easily accessible. That is what we want to achieve with using already working white label solutions where people can easily do transactions and participate in DeFI, crypto saving & lending. So with this mainstream people can get access within a short period of time, and can be a beneficiary of this evolutionary product.




