新价值观瞻——野兔星球解读GameFi & 元宇宙 2.0时代特性

2022.06.27 | 浏览:12604

2022627 Core Member & Core contributor-Tim 受邀做客币小Telegram社区,与币小白商务负责人Niya进行对话,展开AMA活动,解读野兔星球GameFi & 元宇宙 2.0时代特性受到一众粉丝的围观本次AMANEXTYPE, Sinso等一众全球领先区块链综合平台重点关注和自发call好评如潮。



主持人GameFi和元宇宙一直都是区块链领域的热门话题,这两个赛道的交汇融合,更是迸发出了全新的火花,一时间,“GameFi 和元宇宙2.0时代成为了圈内玩家关注的焦点。而在这个话题上,仅仅运行2个季度就获投300W项目资金,并于全球顶尖的黑客松GameFi主题大赛中斩获前三甲的野兔星球团队,有着独特的见解。进入正题之前,让我们首先有请野兔星球项目的负责人Tim来到现场,Tim给大家做个自我介绍吧!

GameFi and metaverse have always been hot topics in the blockchain field, and the intersection and integration of these two tracks have given off a brand new spark. For a while, the "GameFi and Metaverse 2.0 era" has become the focus of players in the industry. On this topic, the team of Planet Hares, which was invested with 300W project funding in just 2 quarters of operation and won the top 3 in the global top hackathon GameFi theme competition, has a unique insight. Before we get to the main topic, let's welcome Tim, the project leader of The Planet Of The Hares, Tim, First, please tell us a little about yourself!



Tim: Hi everyone, I am Tim, one of the project leaders of The Planet Of The Hares, and I am very happy to communicate with our friends from BIXIAOBAI.



Tim's introduction is very brief, but in fact, you may not know that Tim is a low-profile technical expert. He has been working on blockchain since 10 years ago and has guided dozens of NFT and GameFi projects to build top-level architecture. Currently, there are independent R&D teams in Hong Kong, Turkey and the US. Planet Hares is a representative project in which Tim personally participated and led the contract design, and is now attracting a lot of attention in the industry!



Tim: Thank you. I'm flattered.



You are too modest. with all of this, I'm sure everyone in here listening can't wait to get to the topic, so I'll ask Tim a few questions next.



Q1: I've mentioned earlier that the development of GameFi and Metaverse has been the focus of many investment institutions and players, how do you think the development of both?


A1: 其实到目前为止,我相信大家应该都有一个共识,那就是GameFi和元宇宙之间的关系和概念并非是独立的,而是递进的。一方面,GameFi是当前区块链领域尝试带领一众投资者和玩家通向元宇宙的一艘飞船,更确切来说,是一种落地方式和手段;另一方面,元宇宙停留在8大特征的模糊概念也将随着如GameFi一样的落地应用的探索变得愈加清晰。

令人欣慰的是,去年的元宇宙热潮在很大程度上为GameFi的迅猛发展起到助推作用。在GameFi项目发展模式开始趋于单一化时,NFT元素的注入又为其增添了不少活力。而发展到当下,我们要聚焦的课题就是 如何让Game+DeFi的經濟模式有更多的可能性?以及如何让NFT跳出单一的头像/卡牌,拥有更加具象和多元化的呈現形式?


In fact, I believe there is a common understanding that the relationship and concepts between GameFi and the metaverse are not independent, but rather progressive. On the one hand, GameFi is like a spaceship in the current blockchain field trying to lead the investors and players to the metaverse, or more precisely, a way and an application; on the other hand, the vague concept of the 8 features of the metaverse will become more clear with the exploration of actual applications like GameFi.

the good news is, last year the Metaverse boom largely accelerated the development of GameFi.  When the GameFi project development model was starting to become simplified, the NFT elements added vitality to it timely. The question we have to focus on now is "how to make the Game+DeFi economic model with more possibilities? And how to make NFT more than just a single image/PFP, but to have a more tangible and diversified form of its presentation?"

perhaps the emergence of The Planet Of The Hares will bring new surprises to everyone on these two questions.



Yes, GameFi and the Metaverse, these two are not separate concepts, but a progressive relationship. As Tim said, the emergence of The Planet Of The Hares may bring new surprises in this proposition, so what makes The Planet Of The Hares different from other projects? Can you tell us more about it?


A2: 概括而言,野兔星球是一款由HYPERGEM打造的,3D沉浸式MMORPG元宇宙游戏。它致力以更高质量的画面,交互更自由的野兔NFT虚拟形象来提升用户的游戏体验。区别于传统链游,野兔星球立志成为GameFi 2.0的新标杆,用一套全新的NFT价值体系和商业模式,打造一个可持续循环发展,且与现实价值实现有效链接的星球王国,最终实现走向真正元宇宙的使命。


Well, The Planet Of The Hares is a 3D immersive MMORPG metaverse game created by HYPERGEM. It aims to enhance the user experience with high-quality graphics and a more interactive and free-flowing hare NFT avatar. Unlike other GameFi, The Planet Of The Hares aspires to become the new mark of GameFi 2.0, using a new NFT value system and business model to create a planet kingdom that is sustainable and recyclable and effectively connected to real values, ultimately achieving the mission of moving towards the true Metaverse.

Here, the NFTs held by players are no longer mere images, it can run and jump, and can pilot the spaceship through seven different styles of planets with distinctive scenes. Fighting, adventuring, exploring, socializing, creating, almost everything you can think of will be available on Planet Hares! This is why we say that Planet Hares is not just a game, but a Metaverse.




The value system and tokenomics model are the core of a project's long-term success, and the immersive + interactive experience is the key, which determines its user growth. We seem to be able to find out why The Planet Of The Hares has already touched the hearts of thousands of investors and players even though it is still in the DEMO stage, and has become an incubation project of the internationally renowned NEXTYPE. One of the keywords that we can actually catch from your description is "Hare NFT", which seems to be a key to enter Hare Planet, is that correct?


A3: 从参与游戏的条件来说可以这样理解,但持有野兔NFT的价值远不止这一个方面。拥有野兔NFT的玩家,不仅可以自动成为HYPERGEM DAO和野兔DAO的成员之一,还能终身享有NFT交易带来的版税收益。此外,持有野兔NFT的玩家将有机会参与星球DEMO有奖内测,获得平台通证HAC以及游戏内NFT道具的空投福利。当然,如果玩家感兴趣,还可以申请成为野兔星球的品牌宣传大使,或成为游戏俱乐部的部长,从而开启更多的可能性。

以上,就是我们常说的“X to Earn”

That's correct in terms of a condition of participation, but the value of holding the Hare NFT is much more than that.

Owning a hare NFT not only automatically makes a player one of the members of HYPERGEM DAO and Hare DAO, but also entitles them to a royalty income from NFT trading. In addition, players with hare NFT will have the opportunity to participate in the Planet DEMO Prized Test, receiving the platform token HAC and the airdrop benefit of in-game NFT props. Of course, if players are interested, they can also apply to become a brand ambassador for The Planet Hares or become a minister of the gaming club, opening up more possibilities.

This is what we often call "X to Earn".



I see, and I have to say that the more I learn about Planet Hares the more interested I become. So from a player's perspective, what does it take to get involved in the project at this stage?


A4: 正如我们之前所说,参与到野兔星球其实很简单,你只需要拥有一只野兔NFT即可。NFT根据稀缺度分为5个等级,每只野兔的皮肤,配饰和情绪都不同,当前每只价格恒定于0.5ETH,平台官网全球限量发售10000只,先到先得。当然,对于没有抢到盲盒的玩家,你也可以在二级市场Opensea上去直接购买喜欢的野兔。

As we said before, getting into the Planet Hares is simple, all you need to do is own a Hare NFT, which is divided into 5 levels based on rarity, with each Hare having a different skin, accessories and emotions. The current price of each NFT is 0.5ETH. the tottle release on the platform website is limited to 10,000 worldwide, on a first-come, first-served basis. Of course, for those who didn't get the blind box, you can also go to the secondary marketplace Opensea and buy your favorite hare directly.



Last question, what does Planet Hares want to achieve in the short term?


A5: HYPERGEM立项之初,平台就获得了300万美金的投资,首款元宇宙游戏野兔星球1.2号星球DEMO也已经开放了一段时间的公测。前不久我们公布了游戏的商业模式和token的经济模型,为了进一步提高玩家的参与度,降低玩家进入门槛 ,平台预计7月会举办一场百万赏金冲榜赛,在赏金赛开启之前我们还将免费空投游戏NFT道具,让更多对GameFi和元宇宙2.0时代充满期待的朋友,能够提前体验野兔星球给大家带来的炫酷玩法!


Since HYPERGEM was first established, the platform has gotten $3 million in investment. platform's first metaverse game The Planet Of The Hares DEMO version, the first and second planets have also been open for public testing for some time now. In order to further appeal to players to get participate in the game and lower the game barrier, the platform will hold a "The Million Bounty ranking competition" in July, and we will drop free NFT props for the game before the bounty tournament starts so that people who are excited about GameFi and the Metaverse 2.0 era can experience the cool gameplay that Planet Hare has to offer!

In the next six months, we will progressively fulfill the construction of the seven planets, and on top of that, we will build The Planet Of The Hares DAO to promote the development of the project. In the near future, you will also have the opportunity to see offline co-branded shops, such as the Hare Coffeehouse and Hare Club, etc. so stay tuned!






Q1: The answer to this question was mentioned earlier. Q: In one sentence, what kind of game is The Planet Of The Hares?

A: Planet Hares is a 3D immersive MMORPG metaverse game created by HYPERGEM




Q2: What is the slogan of Planet Hares?

A: Fight for freedom!




Q3: Here's a simple question for you: What event will be held in July on Planet Hares?

A: The Million Bounty ranking competition





Q1: Can you give us a brief introduction to the tokenomics model of The Planet Of The Hares?







HAC作为平台治理代币,恒定总量30亿枚,玩家可以通过参与游戏玩法,质押挖矿,空投,赏金赛等方式获得。持有HAC代币就意味着是 Hare-DAO 中的成员,此外HAC可用于


2.质押获得限量版NFT空投 和战⾾通⾏证等奖励



Planet Hares adopt a dual-currency economics model, that is the game currency tokens GCT and the governance token HAC.

GCT is required for in-game quests and the development of the characters, and it maps to the real inflation economy. Players can earn them in four ways

1. Mining and fighting monsters

2. participating in quests

3. Breeding or trading land

4. participating in PVP, GVG, RVR

HAC is the platform's governance token, with a total amount of 3 billion, which players can earn by participating in gameplay, staking, airdrops, the bounty, etc. Holding HAC means being a member of Hare-DAO, moreover, HAC can be used for

1. platform governance, voting.

2. Staking to get rewards such as limited edition NFT drops and "Battle Passes".

3. Purchase game props or exchange for Tokens, etc.

We have now published the details of the HAC tokenomics model in the Planet Hares official channel and community so that those who are interested can check it out.



Q2: So only whitelist players can participate in the Million Dollar Bounty Contest in July?

是的,严格意义来说,只有进入白名单的玩家才有机会在野兔官网铸造游戏道具NFT,拥有NFT即可参与赏金冲榜活动。需要注意的是,我们将在整个7月释放三批白名单名额,每一次白名单名额对应开放的NFT铸造供应量都是不同的 ,所以即使大家进入白名单也需要秉持先到先得的原则抓紧时间去官网进行MINT




well, strictly speaking, Yes, only whitelisted players will have the opportunity to mint NFTs on The Planet Of The Hares website. anyone who holds a Hare NFT can participate in The Million Bounty ranking competition

It is important to notice that the whitelist will be released in three rounds in July, and each whitelist round will have a different amount of NFT minting available, so even if you are whitelisted, you'll need to go to the website to MINT, on a first-come, first-served basis.

The NFT items you Mint on the website are the ticket for the game, and this "ticket" is very valuable.

Not only does it mean that you will be one of the first players to experience the Planet Hares third planet DEMO, but you will also be rewarded with high ranking points for fighting monsters and exploring, different rankings with different amounts of HAC rewards. Having HAC means that you will be able to enjoy early bonuses, also to become a member of the Hare DAO organization and join the clubs that are exclusive to DAO members only. beyond that, players with HAC tokens will also be eligible for more game NFT props, passes and event ticket airdrops!

Of course, there are other ways to enter the whitelist than just the AMA quiz. For example, if you are a player who holds a Hare NFT, if you have completed the officially designated event tasks, or if you own NFT props from the NEXTYPE game Arena, you also have the chance to enter the whitelist and participate in the contest to split the prize money.



Q3: Is The Planet Of The Hares an overseas project? Can you tell us about the team members?


按职能分类,以香港为主体的⼤中华团队主要负责野兔星球元宇宙搭建及市值管理,土耳其团队主要负责区块链技术开发,除此之外 ,目前我们还在欧美及东南亚极速落地线下社区。毫不夸张地说,团队拥有从区块链底层技术构架,到顶尖的3D/平面视觉设计,再到强力推广营销的一站式打造原创IP能力,这一点相信大家会逐步感受到。

秉持合规和安全的原则,我们还将在未来落地NFT 3D畫廊、NFT交易平臺以及线下野兔咖啡馆等落地場景,引領參與者開啟GameFi 2.0時代!

Up to now, The Planet Of The Hares project team has more than 100 members, they are coming from all over the world. For example, Bytes, the core technical expertise in Turkey, has more than 7 years of blockchain development experience, and David, who comes from a professional financial field, has helped more than 20 blockchain projects to successfully build the market value of their projects.

By function, the Hong Kong team is mainly in charge of building The Planet Of The Hares metaverse and market value management, and the Turkish team is mainly responsible for blockchain technology development, in addition to that, we are currently landing offline communities in Europe, America and Southeast Asia.

so without exaggeration, the team has the ability to build original IPs from the underlying blockchain technology architecture to the top 3D/graphic visual design, to the powerful promotion and marketing, which I believe you will see eventually.

Upholding the principles of compliance and security, we will also land the NFT 3D gallery, NFT trading platform and offline Hare coffeehouse and other landing scenes in the future, leading players to the GameFi 2.0 era!





